Sunday, November 15, 2009

Good News, Bad News for Mobile Marketing

Did you know that the average U.S. mobile subscriber sends and receives more text messages than phone calls? Additionally, there are approximately 4.1 billion mobile users worldwide currently. That number is expected to grow to 5.6 billion by 2013. As a result of these statistics, companies have large opportunities in the mobile sector.

Mike Wehrs, the President and CEO of the Mobile Marketing Association, reports that many large brands are making considerable investments in the mobile arena and are having success. For this reason, he says smaller businesses should embrace these mobile opportunities as well.

Mobile allows marketers and advertisers to directly target their market because it provides a higher level of engagement and interaction that is controlled by the consumer. Since privacy could become a concern, marketers and advertisers should refer to the consumer privacy standards from the MMA when they begin their mobile efforts. Consumers can also visit the MMA to understand how they can be protected.

The strong statistics above indicate that the mobile industry is growing at a rapid rate. So, as Mike Wehrs pointed out, why wouldn’t you want to participate in mobile and have the opportunity to directly target consumers?

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